- aerobic work
- аэробная работа* * *аэробная работа
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
aerobic — /ɛəˈroʊbɪk / (say air rohbik), /əˈroʊbɪk/ (say uh rohbik) adjective 1. (of organisms or tissues) living or active only in the presence of free oxygen. 2. relating to or caused by the presence of oxygen: aerobic respiration. 3. relating to or… …
Work Capacity Test — The pack test, also known more officially as the Work Capacity Test (WCT), is a U.S. Forest Service physical test for wildland firefighters. The pack test is intentionally stressful as it tests the capacity of muscular strength and aerobic… … Wikipedia
Aerobic exercise — Brisk physical activity requiring the heart and lungs to work harder to meet the body s increased oxygen demand. Aerobic exercise promotes the circulation of oxygen through the blood. Examples of aerobic exercise include running, swimming and… … Medical dictionary
Exercise, aerobic — Brisk physical activity requiring the heart and lungs to work harder to meet the body s increased oxygen demand. Aerobic exercise promotes the circulation of oxygen through the blood. Examples of aerobic exercise include running, swimming and… … Medical dictionary
aerobe Arbeitsleistung — aerobe Leistungsfähigkeit (f), aerobe Arbeitsleistung (f) eng aerobic work capacity … Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz Glossar
aerobe Leistungsfähigkeit — (f), aerobe Arbeitsleistung (f) eng aerobic work capacity … Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz Glossar
аэробная производительность — rus аэробная производительность (ж) eng aerobic work capacity fra capacité (f) de travail aérobie, puissance (f) aérobie deu aerobe Leistungsfähigkeit (f), aerobe Arbeitsleistung (f) spa capacidad (f) de trabajo aerobia, capacidad (f) aerobia … Безопасность и гигиена труда. Перевод на английский, французский, немецкий, испанский языки
Workout — Work out auch: Workout 〈[wœ:kaʊt] n. 15〉 die körperliche Konstitution u. Leistungsfähigkeit verbessernde sportliche Übung [<engl. work out „trainieren“] * * * Work out, Work|out [ wə:k|a̮ut ], das od. der; s, s [engl. workout, zu: to work out … Universal-Lexikon
exercise — exercisable, adj. /ek seuhr suyz /, n., v., exercised, exercising. n. 1. bodily or mental exertion, esp. for the sake of training or improvement of health: Walking is good exercise. 2. something done or performed as a means of practice or… … Universalium
Strength training — This article is about the basic principles to train muscular strength. For strength training using free weights or weight machines, see weight training. The lat. pulldown, which strengthens the arms and back Strength training is the use of… … Wikipedia
Basal metabolic rate — (BMR), and the closely related resting metabolic rate (RMR), is the amount of daily energy expended by humans and animals at rest. Rest is defined as existing in a neutrally temperate environment while in the post absorptive state. In plants,… … Wikipedia